Adding New Users
Do I need to open a new support ticket every time I need a new staff member to have access to my Prospectus CMS? Absolutely not. We understand that most of our clients prefer to be self-sufficient in managing their own user base. And so we created a tool called 'Site User Manager'. Not only can you view existing users through this tool, you can also send out user invites to new members of staff. 💪 Where can I find this tool? How do I use it? To add a new user, hover over the 'Users' meSome readersExporting User Data
Can I export the email addresses for those users who have signed up? I'd like to add them in to our CRM. This is a common request. And the answer is yes! BUT, there is a caveat: OK, I have legal clearance to collect the email addresses of ourFew readersWhere can I see the data collected by my registration form?
Whether or not you collect custom data from users, there likely will come a time where you'll want to view registration data in the Prospectus Plus CMS, especially if you do not have a CRM integration. Where is user data stored and how do I view it? User data is stored in the Site User Manager section of the CMS. Navigate to UsFew readersHow and why does Prospectus Plus store user data?
While taking the above into consideration, all our contracts do share the same core details. We hope that this FAQ can help outline the key information at a glance. If you have any further questions, please let us know. ℹ️ How does ProspecFew readersCan you help me with my Privacy Policy?
📈 I want to use user data for marketing or other purposes A key function of Prospectus Plus is its ability to capture useful and relevant lead data. Prospectus Plus makes it easy to collect a range of information, from users' email addresses to their personalisation choices and even their specific course interests.Few readers