Understanding the Analytics Dashboard
Understanding the Analytics Dashboard
The 'Analytics' section of your Prospectus CMS reveals some useful stats about how users are interacting with your Prospectus site. Please find a glossary with more information on what each stat shows. For more information, you can view our video explainer here.
Key Overview Stats
Registered Users
The number of users who have generated a prospectus and then signed up in order to save their Prospectuses in order to come back and modify/view at a later date.
Unique Site Visits
Simply the number of times your prospectus site has been visited by a user who hadn't visited the site before.
Prospectus URLs Generated
Works hand-in-hand with the 'Registered Users' stat. Prospectus URLs generated describes how many registered users went on to save their prospectus as a re-visitable URL.
Outbound Clicks
The number of times clicking a link in the prospectus site sent users to content on a different site. The most common use case is when a user clicks one of your buttons that links them off to your flagship website.
Content Stats
These stats can each be filtered to show either Courses or pages. You can also use the box in the top-right to filter these stats by time period (This Week, Last 4 weeks, or Last Year).
Most Popular Content
Simply the content cards that have been clicked on the most in the prospectus overview screen.
Most Removed Content
If enabled, the content that users have most commonly chosen to remove from their prospectus overview.
Most Selected Personalisation Choices
When building prospectuses, these are the personalisation options that have been selected the most. Study Levels will commonly be the most popular here although, depending on your setup, you'll often be able to use this stat to get a good sense of what your most popular course areas are.
Prospectus Stats
Created Prospectuses
This insightful graph reveals how busy your site has been over the preceding 7 weeks.. The Y-Axis shows number of prospectuses created. The X-Axis shows weeks of the year ie. 1/2023 would be the first week of 2023 and 52/2023 would be the last week of 2023. The graph only shows the past 7 weeks of data. You can see the 'All time total' prospectus generated by site users in the top right of this box.
Revisited Prospectuses
Works hand-in-hand with 'Prospectus URLs Generated'. Of those URLs generated, this stat shows the number of times those links were used to revisit a prospectus.
Updated on: 08/09/2023
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