Articles on: Users

Adding New Users

Do I need to open a new support ticket every time I need a new staff member to have access to my Prospectus CMS?

Absolutely not. We understand that most of our clients prefer to be self-sufficient in managing their own user base. And so we created a tool called 'Site User Manager'. Not only can you view existing users through this tool, you can also send out user invites to new members of staff. 💪

Where can I find this tool? How do I use it?

To add a new user, hover over the 'Users' menu item in the admin bar at the top of the screen.
You'll see a dropdown sub-menu is revealed. Click on 'Site User Manager' here.
Simply enter the email address of your new user here and give them a username. Usernames must be lowercase with no special characters.
The only role option available here is 'Editor' so you can't go wrong. Just click 'create user' and an invitation email will be sent out. Your new user will need to activate their account by clicking the link in this email.

It's worth bearing in mind that you may need to remind this person to check their spam or junk email inbox as activation emails can sometimes end up there.

Updated on: 04/04/2024

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